Conquering my Needle-phobia With Kink! 💉

As a kid, I was terrified of needles. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of them as an adult either, but as a kid I was properly terrified!

I remember when we’d get the notice handed out at school, about an impending “needle day,” my stomach would drop, and I would spend the next few weeks not sleeping due to sickening anxiety. Even the sight of a needle would activate my flight response and I would run out the door before I even knew what had happened!

Knowing this bit of context might help you understand just how significant it was for me to be invited to a needle play night with some kink friends in Townsville. I wasn’t going to partake, I was there to watch. I wasn’t sure if I might run at the first sight of a sharp, or worse, pass out on the floor! But my curiosity to understand this kink got the better of me and I was excited to see.

When the needles came out (and there were A LOT of them 😬), I did feel a little on the faint side, but ultimately I was ok. I smartly positioned myself seated on a kitchen stool, slightly away from the action, but close enough to see what was going on.

When the needles started going in, I felt more fascinated than anything. Particularly by how much the person getting “stabbed” was enjoying the sensation. She was in her happy place. As I got more comfortable I felt confident to get a bit closer and have a really good look at what was going on. This is not something many people will ever get to see in their lifetime and I felt honoured to be a part of it. 🙏🏻

By the end of the session, although I hadn’t been directly involved, I definitely felt changed by the experience. It was powerful for me to see needles – these scary horrible things that doctors stab you with – in a completely new context. In a positive context, where they were putting a person into their happy place, in the way rope or impact play does for me. Once again, kink was helping me open my mind, and conquer my fears, in new and interesting ways.

If you are curious about needle play, or just enjoyed this story and want to hear more like it, then have a listen to episode #16 of my podcast (Apple PodcastsSpotify) where I interview the incredible @Persephonyfalls about her love of needles and pain!

As always, if you have any thoughts, comments or questions please leave me a comment below. FYI, I may read some of the comments on a future episode of my podcast (it’s always great to hear different perspectives), so please let me know if you DON’T want your comment shared on the show.

Play safe, have fun,
Harley 🐰 xoxo

A sexologist, kink specialist, and podcaster, Harley Rabbit is here to open up the conversation around sex and desire, helping you embrace your fantasies, feel confident in your self, and live your best sex life!

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