Conquering my Needle-phobia With Kink! šŸ’‰

As a kid, I was terrified of needles. To be honest, Iā€™m not a big fan of them as an adult either, but as a kid I was properly terrified! I remember when weā€™d get the notice handed out at school, about an impending ā€œneedle day,ā€ my stomach would drop, and I would spend the […]

Toxic Monogamy is the Enemy of Love

Monogamy is something most couples never really discuss. It is generally assumed when we enter a relationship, it will be monogamous, and that is that. After all, monogamy is the only way to show true emotional commitment to someoneā€¦ right? Well I strongly disagree. Iā€™m not here to hate on anyoneā€™s life choices. I have several close […]

Quickie in the Kitchen

Want to get home from work and fuck your gorgeous girlfriend? Sheā€™s cooking in the kitchen when you arrive. She gives you a “welcome home” kiss and you bend her over the kitchen bench. Only problem is, youā€™ve got friends coming over for dinner any minute! Better be quick before you get caught!

What it’s Like to Watch Your Partner Fuck Someone Else

The idea of watching your partner deep in the throws of steamy hot sex with ā€œanother womanā€ is an unbearable thought for – letā€™s face it – most people. Yet when Slade and I were invited to partake in this very experience the other week, we couldnā€™t be more excited about it! Slade and l […]

Everyone Deserves to Feel Special and Loved

Everyone deserves to feel special and loved. That was the main motivation for my latest erotic meditation ā€˜Doting Girlfriend Takes Care of You.ā€™ It is a simple storyā€¦ the listener gets home from a hard day’s work, and he is doted on by his gorgeous girlfriend. She sits him down, removes his clothes and gives […]

Doting Girlfriend Takes Care of You

This one is for the hard working boys… Youā€™ve just got home from work, and your loving (and naughty) girlfriend wants to take care of you. Sit back and relax as she tends to your every need, making you feel like a King.

I donā€™t think Iā€™m meant to be turned on by thisā€¦ šŸ˜³

Have you ever been turned on by a scene in a movie that is definitely not supposed to be sexy? Well thatā€™s what happened to me back in 2019, when I was watching Shazam at the cinemas. Yesā€¦ Shazam. The DC superhero film. There is a scene that takes place at a board meeting in an office […]

The Abduction Series Part 4: The Date

A young woman is being held captive in her kidnappers home. For weeks, she has been caged and collared, and kept under his bed.
Tonight, he will take his ownership of her a step further. He already owns her body, but what about her mind?